Tuesday, February 24, 2015

happy birthday Tat

We studied at the University together (which was, wait a minute, more than 10 years ago), and gradually became friends. I've always been a bit humbled by her striking beauty, but she's so nice that it sort of makes up for it.

She is one of those people who can create atmosphere. Any time I came over she would meet me with specialty tea and delicious home-made food, surround me with comfort and care and
treat me to a meaningful conversation. I'm pretty shy and always feel nervous when I come to visit someone, but at her place I felt that tight knot in my stomach melt right away.

She's crafty and generous. She made me a paper-mache Hamlet, knitted me a sweater, weaved me a bracelet and drew me a map to her house so that I wouldn't get lost (as I usually do). These things are my treasures, and I'm so grateful for the time and effort and love that's been put into them.

She has an eye for beauty. I love the way she looks, the clothes she wears, the way she moves and smiles and talks. It comes naturally to her, and it's something I'd love her to teach me (along with knitting, sewing, weaving etc.)

She has two small kids now (yay!) and we live in different cities, but oh how much I love it when we have a chance to meet and talk. Long heartfelt conversations -- you just can't beat them. This is something I love.

Happy birthday, beautiful friend! Miss you here. Many happy returns of the day from the whole Komissariat!


  1. What a beautiful tribute.
    I enjoyed reading what you liked about your friend
    I think it reveals a lot about yourself.

    Greetings from Chicago~

    1. thank you! wow, never looked at it from this point of view)
